

Having figured out the puzzle, you send the answer off and immediately receive an automated reply, listing an address. Curious, you decide to head over... Soon enough, you find your way into a dingy office little larger than a walk-in closet. At the center of it is a well-dressed baobear, wearing an inverness cape and deerstalker hat. They are looking at their laptop, very seriously.

"Don't say a word. You're here after my advertisement, aren't you?" They say, not looking up. "Very well, if you managed to find your way here, then I suppose you might still be of some use." Here Bearlock stands up, and begins to blow out of their pipe; bubbles come out of the other end of it, all while eyeing you curiously. "Hm. Acceptable. But if you wish to work as my assistant, then you must first prove your worth. Yes, my challenge to you is thus:"

What is the password to my work laptop?

"And before you ask - no, I did not forget! W-why are you looking at me like that? This is test, man! You've no time to waste! Go and solve this mystery, else I won't be able to access any of my work e-mails! Ho hum!" ... Won't you lend Bearlock a paw? It looks like he really needs it! "I shall give you two hints. The password is a three letter word and the name of my best friend. I have hidden clues around my office, so why not take a look around?"

[ LET'S GO! ]



"You do?! Then what are you waiting for, man!" Bearlock says. "Out with it then!"

NOTE: When submitting your answer, please include YOUR USERNAME and ANSWER IN ALL CAPS. Please only submit button once. If you're unsure whether or not your answer went through, please contact one of our mods!


bearlock says:

Welcome to my office! Click begin and take a look at the map. Click on items to find clues.

Click me to return to the top of the page.

bearlock says:

This is a picture of me, Bearlock Holmes. I recall here that I was looking at the ocean. Quite a remarkable thing, nature. Hum-hum.

bearlock says:

This is a picture of me, Bearlock Holmes, faced away from the camera, so only my back is visible. I recall here that I was looking at the ocean. Quite a remarkable thing, nature. The freedom of the sea. Hum-hum.

bearlock says:

This photograph is where I met my best friend. It's upside down? T-that's intentional!

bearlock says:

Ah yes, one of my favourite shots. Bao, by Two Barks. A work of art, if I do say so myself. And I do say so!

bearlock says:

This is a picture of a stray cat. I will tell you something I have never told anyone, but you must keep it a secret. I have allergies. A-choo!

bearlock says:

A single lightbulb is the only constant in my ever inconstant world. If you must know, the flickering means that I might have to replace it soon.

bearlock says:

Who is 'him' you ask? That is a mystery for another day... but as my best friend always says:

AT 00:00 A.M. I = U, SOLVE FOR X.

bearlock says:

Redbear is the only drink for genii such as I! I go through at least ten cans a day. It is the only nutrient I need to function.

bearlock says:

This is my "work laptop". Now if only I could remember the password...

I know your password!

bearlock says:

Oho! So that is where I put my shopping list. I was to make a cake for my best friend: flour, strwberry, milk, butter, sugr, eggs... am is missing something?

bearlock says:

These cardboard boxes contain everything I've ever owned. Wait! Halt! Don't open them!

bearlock says:

A painting I made myself. "The hills of Baotato Valley." I don't suppose you've ever been?

bearlock says:

This is my dearest friend, Professor Wattleson! You best treat him with respect.

bearlock says:

My very special hats gives me +10 to INT.

bearlock says:

Do not poke me there! I am ticklish. Ho. Hohohoho!