

Baogonia's shop is bursting with all sorts of colours. It is a sight to behold, and everywhere you look is a new type of plant; roses, tulips, baby's breath, begonias, buttercups, daffodils, and so on so forth. At the counter is a pink baobear, who greets you with a cheer in her voice: hello, flowerbud! How can I help you today?

Without hesitation, Bearlock explains their reason for visiting, in his ever gruff voice. A villain has stolen Rosebeary's Baobab Honey, and you, Bella Baogonia, are on the top list of suspects!

Baogonia gasps, shocked! I can assure you, flowerbud, that's the first I've heard of it!

Bearlock chews on the end of his pipe for a moment, blowing bubbles. And how can I trust the words of a-a-a-a-achoo! With that, the good detective begins to sneeze uncontrollably. Weakl,y he turns to you and says, ack, but my allergies! You'll have to continue this investigation without me! Can I count on you, man?



As Bearlock rushes out the building, you're left alone with Bella Baogonia, who waves you over. You're welcome to take a look around, flowerbud, as long as you help me with an itty bitty problem!

Well, you don't have much choice, do you? You nod your head in affirmation.

Wonderful! You see, I've a bunch of flowers I need to mist up with my special honey nectar mix, but I seem to have misplaced my flower catalogue! Would you be able to find and organize my flowers for me? You can look for them while you take a look around my shop!

With the amount of flowers scattered about, looks like you have your work cut out for you...

There are six [6] bunches of flowers that need to be catalogued. Once you're done, just give me a shout!




Having gathered all 6 bunches, you return to Bella Baogonia. All finished, flowerbud? Oh, wonderful! You can place the flowers in the storage box is behind me; don't forget to sort by type! But, hm, I do feel like I'm missing something... what on earth could it be?

NOTE: When submitting your answer, please include your USERNAME and ANSWER IN ALL CAPS.


bella says:

Hello, flowerbud! Click begin to take a look around my shop. Click on items to find clues.

Click me to return to the top of the page.

bella says:

Are you ready to put these flowers away?

bella says:

This is my ribbon collection! Oh, but it is a bit of a mess right now...

You take a closer look...:

It is a pair of scissors! They look sharp, and well used.

bella says:

I love a bit of sweetness in my coffee! A little sugar never hurt anyone.

You take a closer look...

This looks like a simple mister! It smells sickly sweet, like honey.

You take a closer look...

It's a basket full of violets!

You take a closer look...

There are rolls and rolls of wrapping paper here!

You take a closer look...

There are rolls and rolls of wrapping paper here! Looks like there's a note attached to one of them.

bella says:

Oh, that's one of them! When storing them, violets should be placed in a square from b2 to d4, but not in c3.

bella says:

Oh, that's one of them! When storing them, daffodils should be placed in columns c and d.

bella says:

Oh, that's one of them! When storing them, daffodils hate even numbers, except in b2 and e4.

bella says:

Oh, that's one of them! As an exaception, tulips should be placed in a2 and a4.

bella says:

Oh, that's one of them! When storing them, tulips only like odd numbered rows, but only in columns a and b.

bella says:

Oh, that's one of them! When storing them, carnations should be placed from c2 to c4, and once to the left of e2

You take a closer look...

These pink flowers smell sweet, like honey.

You take a closer look...

These are dahlia flowers! They're blooming beautifully.

You take a closer look...

These are geranium flowers! How cute!

bella says:

Oh, these? I'm testing out all the different types of honey that'll help it bloom! I'm a bit of an expert in that area.

You take a closer look...

These pink flowers have really long stems!

You take a closer look...

This pot seems pretty sturdy! Sturdy enough to knock someone out...

It's a reminder, written by bella baogonia!