bella says:
Hello, flowerbud! Click
begin to take a look around my shop. Click on items to find clues.
Click me to return to the top of the page.
bella says:
Are you ready to
put these flowers away?
bella says:
This is my ribbon collection! Oh, but it is a bit of a mess right now...
You take a closer look...:
It is a pair of
scissors! They look sharp, and well used.
bella says:
I love a bit of sweetness in my coffee! A little sugar never hurt anyone.
You take a closer look...
This looks like a simple mister! It smells sickly sweet, like honey.
You take a closer look...
It's a basket full of violets!
You take a closer look...
There are rolls and rolls of wrapping paper here!
You take a closer look...
There are rolls and rolls of wrapping paper here! Looks like there's a
note attached to one of them.
bella says:
Oh, that's one of them!
When storing them, violets should be placed in a square from b2 to d4, but not in c3.
bella says:
Oh, that's one of them!
When storing them, daffodils should be placed in columns c and d.
bella says:
Oh, that's one of them!
When storing them, daffodils hate even numbers, except in b2 and e4.
bella says:
Oh, that's one of them!
As an exaception, tulips should be placed in a2 and a4.
bella says:
Oh, that's one of them!
When storing them, tulips only like odd numbered rows, but only in columns a and b.
bella says:
Oh, that's one of them!
When storing them, carnations should be placed from c2 to c4, and once to the left of e2
You take a closer look...
These pink flowers smell sweet, like
You take a closer look...
These are dahlia flowers! They're blooming beautifully.
You take a closer look...
These are geranium flowers! How cute!
bella says:
Oh, these? I'm testing out all the different types of honey that'll help it bloom! I'm a bit of an expert in that area.
You take a closer look...
These pink flowers have really long stems!
You take a closer look...
This pot seems pretty sturdy! Sturdy enough to knock someone out...
It's a reminder, written by bella baogonia!